Aiko is a little girl that lives near me. I watch her and her little brother sometimes when her mom has to work. She is very bright and asks so many questions. Deep questions that are far beyond her years. I like that I can talk to her and have her understand me better than a lot of people 5 or 10 times her age. She is quick and perceptive, she has a great memory and attention to detail. Traits that I appreciate at any age.
In a lot of ways she sees the world from a 5-year-old’s viewpoint, but then she’ll surprise me with a profound insight that leaves me just staring at her and wondering what little wonder this is.
One day she asked me what I had gotten for Christmas. I thought back and said “Well, I got a Bible”. “What’s a Bible?” she asked. I was flabbergasted. How do you explain what a Bible is to someone who has never heard of one? This was new to me. It’s a book...a collection of books...a collection of stories...the Word of God...direction...inspiration...glory...
“Well’ I began, ‘it has a lot of great stories in it about God and things He wants us to know.” “Oh, yeah!” she interrupted, “I know one of those stories.” “Which one?” I queried, expecting her to tell me about one of the more well known stories like Jonah and the great fish, Daniel in the lions den, Noah and the flood, the birth of Jesus or even Queen Esther...but no. This child is always surprising me.
“Yeah...the story about painting the blood on the doors” she said. She then proceeded to ask me about what that story meant and why they had to put blood on the doors. Why they had to kill the lamb. What a wonderful opportunity was opened up before me to lay out the plan of salvation to a child. I don’t know how much of it she understood, but I am just here start the wheels turning. The rest will come in time.
Since then she has asked me a few times about the bible I got for Christmas, why I wanted one, why I need more than one, if she can hold it...
It just amazes me that someone who lives less than two miles from me has never held a bible before and doesn’t know what it is, or what it contains...makes me want to share more. I pray for these children and the influence I may be in their lives...I underestimate the impact they have in mine.
Give Me The Bible
by E. S. Lorenz
Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming
To cheer the wandrer lone and tempest tossed
No storm can hide that radiance peaceful beaming
Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost
Give me the Bible, holy message shining
Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way
Precept and promise, law and love combining
Till night shall vanish in eternal day
Give me the Bible, when my heart is broken
When sin and grief have filled my soul with fear
Give me the precious words by Jesus spoken
Hold up faiths lamp to show my Savior near
Give me the Bible, all my steps enlighten
Teach me the danger of these realms below
That lamp of safety oer the gloom shall brighten
That light alone the path of peace can show
Give me the Bible, lamp of life immortal
Hold up that splendor by the open grave
Show me the light from heavens shining portal
Show me the glory gilding Jordans wave
I just now found your blog? :(
I found your blog just now! :)
I want to be like a kid when I grow up !
Inspiring. Kids just make you want to be a better adult.
ditto to Jonas.
I wish I was more like that little girl :)
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