Friday, December 03, 2010


Luke is communicating so much more and is so fun to be with. He now understands what I am saying to him and responds. He loves to be read to and will pull a book off the shelf and climb in my lap for a good story. This week I took him for a walk to the park and he had fun walking over all the bridges and sliding down the slide. I then put him in the baby swing; while I pushed him, I sang him scripture songs. At one point I stopped singing and he looked at me and put his hands together to form the word "more" in baby sign language and said "mo" in a deliberate little voice. I smiled.

When we got home it was time for his nap, so I put him in his crib and ran my fingers through his hair while I continued to sing. He closed his eyes and I lifted my hand. Immediately he opened his eyes and without saying a word, picked up my hand and pulled it back to stroke his hair. Sometimes words are not necessary.

Being with Luke that day I heard the word "mo" a lot. It reminded me of the song by Michael W. Smith that says: More love, more power, more of You in my life.

We were created to desire more love and more of God in our lives, more of His saving grace and power. There is a God-shaped hunger in us that we try to satisfy with all manner of other things. I am hungry to know God more.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Awww, this is soo similar to what me and the other volunteers experience every night with the kids in the baby home on our campus. They can be so worked up and bouncing off the walls, but when we start to sing the songs we learned in Cradle Roll and Kindergarten classes at church they calm right down and say, "again! again!" if we stop singing. It's so precious.