Monday, April 04, 2011


Last Sunday I went downtown D.C. to see the cherry blossoms. It was absolutely insane. There were people there from all over the world and the crowds were such that it was impossible to fully appreciate the beauty of the trees. I was not all that impressed with the way these photos turned out, but it will give you a glimpse of what it was like. The crowds, the monuments, the springtime flowers. There was a roller hockey game going on in front of the White House, a couple weddings near the tidal basin, and cute kids all over that I wish I had captured pictures of...
When I got tired of walking, I'd stop and take pictures of my feet in a different part of the city, hence all the random feet pictures (for you Elissa).


Jonathan Gerrans said...

Beautiful, interesting, and imaginative pictures, Lauren!

Ali said...

Wow, I love them! Especially the one of the little boy in the statue line and the Segways leaving in a line. Oh, and the feet, of course! Loved the feet :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Lauren!! The photos I mean. Yeah, the blossoms looked cool, too, and the city of D.C. and the people, but you captured them great!! :-)